Monthly South Sudan Donation

from $10.00 every month

When you make a general donation to GEMS Development Foundation, you are entrusting us to put your dollars to work wherever the need is most critical.

Whether a family in the village is seeing signs of malnutrition in their little ones, or we are only $100 away from being able to build a new well for clean, disease-free water, the projects in South Sudan with the greatest need will receive your financial support.

Donation Amount:

When you make a general donation to GEMS Development Foundation, you are entrusting us to put your dollars to work wherever the need is most critical.

Whether a family in the village is seeing signs of malnutrition in their little ones, or we are only $100 away from being able to build a new well for clean, disease-free water, the projects in South Sudan with the greatest need will receive your financial support.